Wienerbruck power station
Energy meets history. The Niederösterreichische Landes-Elektrizitätswerk, predecessor of today's EVN, built the Wienerbruck power plant from 1907-1911, which generated traction current for the Mariazell railway and thus for one of the first electrified railways in Austria-Hungary.
The power plant is still in operation. Since the Lower Austrian Provincial Exhibition in 2015, it has been possible to visit it. The power plant can be reached from the Ötscher-Basis Nature Park Centre in Wienerbruck exclusively on foot in around 45 minutes.
Combine a visit to the Wienerbruck show power station with a hike through the Ötschergräben and the Ötscher-Tormäuer, or with a visit to the Ötscher-Basis Nature Park Centre and the Vorderötscher shelter.